Shuffle FM

Mihail Kogălniceanu

About Shuffle FM

Shuffle FM, a Romanian radio station, offers a diverse musical experience by featuring a blend of Rock, Blues, and traditional Romanian music. By blending these elements, the station creates a diverse auditory experience that celebrates both global and local music cultures. Shuffle FM’s mix of these genres creates a unique listening experience, appealing to fans of both international and local music.

More Information

Shuffle FM, a radio station from Romania, has a unique aim of curating a diverse and dynamic listening experience by focusing on Rock, Blues, and Romanian music. Their mission is to blend classic and contemporary sounds, offering a rich mix of international rock and blues with the distinct flavors of Romanian music. It provides a platform for both legendary rock bands and emerging artists. The station showcases the soulful and emotive qualities of blues music. In addition to international genres, Shuffle FM is dedicated to promoting Romanian music, reflecting the country's rich musical heritage.



Language: Română


Shuffle FM