Radio Hit


About Radio Hit

Radio Hit from Romania is a dynamic station that caters to a broad audience by offering a diverse mix of content. It plays a variety of popular music genres, including rock, pop, and top40 hits, ensuring that listeners enjoy both classic and current favorites. This combination of music and news makes Radio Hit a versatile station for those who want to stay entertained and informed throughout the day.

More Information

Radio Hit aims to offer a dynamic blend of music and information that appeals to a broad audience. By providing a mix of rock, pop, and top 40 hits, the station keeps its listeners entertained with popular and contemporary music. Additionally, its news segments ensure that the audience stays informed about current events, making Radio Hit a well-rounded station that caters to both the entertainment and informational needs of its listeners. The station's goal is to create a vibrant and engaging listening experience that resonates with a diverse demographic.



Language: Română


Contact Number: +40 739 677 299

Address: Strada Bucium Nr. 34, Iasi, Romania

Radio Hit