Radio Clasic Rock


About Radio Clasic Rock

Radio Clasic Rock from Romania is a station that caters to fans of classic rock and rock music. It features a playlist filled with timeless rock anthems, from iconic bands like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and The Rolling Stones to classic rock legends such as Queen and Deep Purple. If you’re a fan of the genre, Radio Clasic Rock provides a great way to enjoy both the well-loved classics and some hidden gems.

More Information

Radio Classic Rock is a station dedicated to bringing listeners a curated blend of rock and classic rock music. Its aim is to celebrate the rich history and evolution of rock music, featuring everything from iconic tracks of the classic rock era to more contemporary rock hits that resonate with fans of the genre. By focusing on timeless anthems and influential artists, Radio Classic Rock seeks to create a nostalgic and engaging listening experience for rock enthusiasts, while also introducing new generations to the enduring appeal of rock music.



Language: Română


Contact Number: +40 21 317 4591

Address: Mircea Zorileanu 012053 Bucharest