Pro FM Kids


About Pro FM Kids

Pro FM Kids is a Romanian radio station aimed at children and families. It offers a blend of engaging content that includes popular music hits appropriate for a younger audience, educational programs, and entertaining shows. The station is designed to be both fun and informative, featuring a mix of current hits and classic tunes that kids love.

More Information

Pro FM Kids is designed to cater to a younger audience. The aim is to provide children with a blend of entertaining and age-appropriate content. This includes playing popular music hits that are suitable for kids, as well as offering engaging programs and activities that promote learning and fun. The goal is to provide a safe and enjoyable listening experience for children while introducing them to a variety of music and educational content. By focusing on content that is both entertaining and enriching, Pro FM Kids aims to create a positive and enjoyable listening experience for children while also fostering their development and creativity.



Language: Română


Contact Number: +40 771 775 254

Address: B-dul Pache Protopopescu, nr. 109, , Sector 2, , București

Pro FM Kids